After Sales Service

The concern of most customers is that after buying a product, especially an industrial product, if they encounter technical problems or need support and spare parts, can they open a real account with the seller?! Unfortunately, there are sellers who do not hesitate to give any promises and assistance in words, but when they need to provide support services, they avoid it for various reasons.


Sunir’s organizational culture is always based on providing what is actually possible in practice, and there is no customer dissatisfied with purchase and after-sales service in Sunir’s resume. Definitely, in some cases, it is necessary to explain to the consumer the reason for the occurrence of those defects that are caused by improper service, maintenance, and use, and this is done in the best way and with proper training.


Warranty services are carried out in the best way and based on the instructions of parent companies and Sunir processes, in compliance with the conditions that have been announced to the customers in advance. Sunir’s services, both during the warranty period and after, include a wide range of activities, including the following:


  • Consultations related to placement and installation of devices
  • Installation, testing and user training services
  • Service, maintenance and preventive maintenance
  • Mechanical and electronic troubleshooting (diag)
  • minor repairs and major repairs (overhaul)
  • Supply of original spare parts 


خدمات پس از فروش

The core of Sunir’s business is based on customer satisfaction. All our efforts are aimed at providing first-class products and providing services from the time of purchase to after delivery to customers.